
Download Schizo Fanzine 1-8

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Schizo Fanzine #1
24 pages. Interviews: Besthöven (Brazil), Disagreed Fanzine (Serbia),
Burnt Cross (UK), Pipes and pints (Czech Rep.) Harrington Saints (Canada)

"The interviews could of course be longer, but my intention was to introduce as many bands I had space for"

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Schizo Fanzine #2. (East Europe theme)
36 pages. Interviews: Inepsy (Canada), Saturdays Heroes (Sweden),
Filthy Charity (France), Pints & Punx (USA), Drunk Nach Osten (Czech Rep), Campus Sterminii/Giuda (Italy) The Black Tartan Clan (Belgium)

"I like that East Euro theme. Much thanx to the hungarian scenereport and the Drunk Nach Osten interview"

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Schizo Fanzine #3 (Fanzine theme)
40 pages. Interviews: Gonna get yours (France), The Nightmare Continues (USA), Project Hopeless (Sweden), Sir Reg (Sweden), Maniatikatz (Colombia), Forfucksake (USA), Ungovernable Resistance (UK)

"I like the genre mix and I introduce a bunch of zines"

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Schizo Fanzine #4 (Females and punk theme)
40 pages. Interviews: Deadly Seven (USA), Glidslem (Sweden), Körsbärsfettera (Sweden), Baby Shakes (USA)

"I like this issue. Lot's of good guest chronicles by different girls"

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Schizo Fanzine #5
48 pages. Interviews: AUK (UK), Iszonyat (Hungary), Dead Subverts (UK), Under al kritik (Denmark), Atomic Pollution (Belgium), Wages of fear (USA), Radical Roots Fanzine (Hungary), Screaming from the gutter (Italy)

"New logo and some new ideas, I'm satisfied with this issue"

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Schizo Fanzine #6 (Punk Illegal theme)
52 pages. Interviews: Al-Thawra (USA), Zudas Krust (Indonesia), Spotlicks (Sweden), Kansalaistottelemattomuus (Finland), Jason Vomit (UK), Power is poison (Holland), Cow Mag (Sweden)

"Better interviews, reviews and ideas than before. The Punk Illegal theme is still very fun to read"

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Schizo Fanzine #7
44 pages. Interviews: Blanks 77 (USA), Buiten Gebruik (Holland), Besthöven (Brazil), Pistofficer (USA), Stage Bottles (Germany)

"Lot's of reviews and good interviews, but still much more than only inties and reviews"

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Schizo Fanzine #8
56 pages. Interviews: PARTiYA (Belarus), DJ Resistance (UK), Toxik Ephex (Scotland), Really Fast Records (Sweden), Subculture (UK), Sub Alert (Sweden

"The best interviews so far. 56 pages full of interesting, silly, serious things. Scene reports, thoughts and much more"

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